Sunday, August 02, 2009

Another minor conflict which turned out to be a quarrel again let me feels tired of staying. I long to have a SPACE of my own.

11.30am seems to be my daily waking time, I could have wake up at 8am to enjoy the mist of the morning, but i choose to sleep in for few hours to enjoy my everyday morning in bed than any where else.

I finally did photos resizing and collages these few days.

Giving thanks to God for not forsaken me in my days in NYP. I guess if i din quit tt year, I couldnt be opting for NAVY or even Air Force. So i guess, i did made a right choice 4 years back :)

I'm blessed with 2 career choices - Design and Government force.

Imagine tt thr'll only be a HUGE BED in my bedroom and a small table, how great would it be! Wardrobe would be, of course, next to my bathroom, working space in the living room filled with different texture of papers and films and photographs.

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