Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Art Fest 09 - Helios II

shuttle bus to Marina Barrage had changed
from a minibus to a chatered bus :)

this year's Art Fest Opening ceremony was performed by
La Compagnie Malabar from France
presenting Helios II
@ Marina Barrage

Out of chaos comes an inspired surrealist evocation of the mythological tale
of the creation of the sun god, Helios.

Strange mythical insects, cuilders of light & worshippers
of the sun amblazon the nite in a breathtaking smyphony of lights & sounds

Conjuring up a fantastic spectacle harking back to a time of myth

i fell sick on the 3rd day of their performance T_T
din managed to catch it again on Sunday at Marina Barrage

it was a spectacular performance
especially the model grasshopper & the performances

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