Friday, July 16, 2010


A film which somehow reminds me of my days in secondary school days ............. Anw, read this

August is a month to watch japanese film as it's Japanese Film Fest :D Lotsa good film to catch , films from color to black and white and film from 2008 back to 1960s.

I still rmb the 1st time i watch jap film in national museum was in 2007, few weeks after i ended my relationship with someone unworthy. I still rmv it was a rainy saturday evening, freezing cold in the theatre and outdoor, I got myself a drink from Mr Tea. However, the tea shop is no longer there :( Kinda miss it so much now, they do serve good teh tarik and oreo surprise :D

I'm gonna attend the film fest this year :) maybe with my sweet sweet if he's interested (at least I have a companion this year and someone who will keep me warm if i'm feeling cold) LOL~

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