Monday, July 19, 2010

Night Festvial - Taxi Girls

I'm involve in 2010's Night Fest !

Am so glad that I was selected by Jitterbug as a taxi girl. Taxi girl is a dancer who dance with stranger when a stranger book them for a dance in the night club. It was a very new thing to me as i NEVER dance social dance before. So i gave it a try for the audition and got in , LOL~ Social dance is more of interactive dance - any one can dance to the music, whether you're age 3 or 80. That's the fun thing about the dance itself :)

My new look after & before make up

My costume for 2 nights

Our 2nd night's dinner

Big thanks to the hair stylists who style our hair on the both nights as well as during the full dress rehersal. They were really funny on the 2nd night and we talk and joke a lot ! They really did a very good job where I change my view about hair stylists.

Lotsa perm , lotsa hair spray ...... Making my hair looks nice and transform into a pretty taxi girl. That gave me an excuse to visit a salon to get my hair well wash and pamper it to a good treatment soon :)

I LOVE my curled fringe so much :D

Introducing the Taxi Girls & Taxi Guys

My sweet heart danced with me on the both night despite rocky things happen. It was my 1st time pairing up with a guy for a dance, he's the 1st. Cookies, coke were my nutrients for the night from him :) He's someone whom wouldnt let me starve thruout the night of dance.

Little faith :)

She have lovely eyes which speaks. Faith caught my attention when I was walking around. She was eyeing on me so I asked her if she wanna dance with jiejie and she nodded with a pretty smile on her face :D Her hands are so small when I held her hands and lead her in the dance. She danced well under my guidance. I hope she had a enjoyable night :)

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